All stock codes associated to this product
GASC4200, GA SC4200
1 x G-2051 HI Tech 400 ml
1 x V-3000 Mini Vacuum
3 x SC-4050 Pick Up Tube
3 x SC-4070 Wet & Dry Sachets non full frame size
SENSOR CLEANING SYSTEM for digital reflex CCD and CMOS cameras.
Removes all forms of contamination: loose forms are lifted off, grimy forms are dissolved / dry polishing.
• Safe process due to contact- and residue-free application
• No compression and transportation of dirt particles
• No direct gas contact
• High performance suction action guarantees gentle lifting off of the loose particles, even when confronted with the resistance of the static charging inside the camera
• Economical: In fact the main percentage of contamination is loose and can therefore be removed with the MINI Vacuum
• HI TECH pressurized gas is especially strong, stabile and productive thus resulting in the most economical method of sensor cleaning.
• Effective as the dust is removed from the camera shaft and the objective
Importantly - Wet & Dry are available in two widths!!
Select the correct size, for full frame size sensor or non full frame size sensor.